Electric installation work
The company carries out electrical work to the degree of protection 1000kV qualitatively and in the shortest possible time. The company takes the interests of customers and meet their needs.

For several years the company OÜ POLICERT offers service maintenance of electrical installations. Our customer service are: kindergartens, apartment associations, and some small businesses. Our customers believe that it is cheaper to buy this service than to engage themselves in these works.

Our company are changed performance projects, correction and adjustment of the project. Design solutions are always economically justified. The company takes your wishes and financial possibilities.

Оthe implementation of electrical work begins with a client consultation and gathering information about the technical parameters of the system formed. The firm provides advice for a small fee. Cost of consultation for 1 hour cost 25€.

Document registration
The company provides a service for the collection of a complete set of documents for the delivery of the object. In a short time we will arrange for you to documentation for commissioning in Päästeamet in accordance with the essential requirements of paperwork from the law of the Republic of Estonia („Nõuded ohtliku ja suurõnnetuse ohuga ettevõtte kohustuslikule dokumentatsioonile…“ §-s 5).

Apartment associations
We offer you their services for maintenance of electrical installations in your home. We can install or replace an existing lighting entrances, basements, staircases of your home. We carry out repair and renovation of old electrical systems; connection, electrical panel, counters; installation, replacement of sockets and switches; Connection and installation of all lighting fixtures.